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Closes request #33997: Drop support of CVS

Some restrictions regarding the name of users or projects have been kept "just in case" (and also because they are unlikely to be an issue for real world use cases). Note that CVS was the last feature relying on having local unix accounts for users. The removal of multiple pieces related to the managed of that will happen in dedicated contributions as it requires a more gentle touch. Change-Id: Ia1c6d430e6a581984721c567975b1b1501c12a3f

Modified Files

M .gitignore +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/hudson/db/install.sql +16 −17 Go to diff View file
M plugins/hudson/include/PluginHudsonJobDao.class.php +2 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/hudson/include/hudsonActions.class.php +0 −4 Go to diff View file
M plugins/hudson/include/hudsonViews.class.php +2 −28 Go to diff View file
M plugins/hudson/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-hudson.po +0 −9 Go to diff View file
M plugins/hudson/site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-hudson.po +0 −9 Go to diff View file
M plugins/ldap/include/WelcomeDisplayController.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/ldap/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-ldap.po +0 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/ldap/site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-ldap.po +0 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/mediawiki/bin/ +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/mediawiki/bin/ +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/onlyoffice/tests/unit/Administration/OnlyOfficeAvailabilityCheckerTest.php +3 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/bin/collectDiskUsage.php +4 −11 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/bin/extract_service_usage.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/CSV/CSVBuilder.php +1 −2 Go to diff View file
D plugins/statistics/include/DiskUsage/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/Collector.php +0 −63 Go to diff View file
D plugins/statistics/include/DiskUsage/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/FullHistoryDao.php +0 −44 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/ProjectQuotaManager.class.php +4 −11 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_DiskUsageManager.class.php +1 −38 Go to diff View file
D plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_Formatter_Cvs.class.php +0 −53 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_Formatter_Scm.class.php +3 −16 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_Formatter_Svn.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
D plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_ScmCvsDao.class.php +0 −196 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_ServicesUsageDao.class.php +0 −19 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_Services_UsageFormatter.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/Statistics_Widget_ProjectStatistics.class.php +4 −11 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/include/statisticsPlugin.php +4 −11 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-statistics.po +0 −18 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-statistics.po +0 −18 Go to diff View file
D plugins/statistics/tests/unit/DiskUsage/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/RetrieverTest.php +0 −58 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/disk_usage.php +5 −12 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/disk_usage_graph.php +5 −12 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/project_cumulativeDiskUsage_graph.php +5 −12 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/project_stat.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/project_stat_graph.php +5 −12 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/scm_stats.php +0 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/statistics/www/services_usage.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/svn/include/svnPlugin.php +4 −11 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_CrossReferences.php +0 −10 Go to diff View file
M site-content/en_US/account/new_account_email.txt +1 −1 Go to diff View file
D site-content/en_US/cvs/intro.txt +0 −35 Go to diff View file
M site-content/en_US/include/ +0 −4 Go to diff View file
M site-content/en_US/project/ +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M site-content/en_US/project/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M site-content/en_US/references/ +1 −2 Go to diff View file
M site-content/en_US/widget/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-core.po +0 −233 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/account/new_account_email.txt +1 −1 Go to diff View file
D site-content/fr_FR/cvs/intro.txt +0 −31 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/include/ +0 −4 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/project/ +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/project/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/references/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M site-content/fr_FR/widget/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M site-content/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-core.po +0 −231 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/cvs-tuleap.nix +0 −23 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/dir_new.ezt +13 −27 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/directory.ezt +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/file.ezt +0 −8 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/include/log_footer.ezt +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/include/pathrev_form.ezt +5 −37 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/include/sort.ezt +0 −17 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/log.ezt +0 −29 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/log_table.ezt +0 −57 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/query.ezt +0 −249 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-theme-tuleap/src/templates/query_form.ezt +0 −29 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/viewvc-tuleap/viewvc-tuleap.spec +2 −2 Go to diff View file
D src/common/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/CvsDao.php +0 −56 Go to diff View file
D src/common/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/ServiceCVS.php +0 −137 Go to diff View file
D src/common/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/ViewVC/ViewVCController.php +0 −87 Go to diff View file
D src/common/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/ViewVC/ViewVCProxy.php +0 −229 Go to diff View file
D src/common/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/ViewVC/viewvc-epel.cgi +0 −66 Go to diff View file
M src/common/DB/DBAuthUserConfig.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Event/Event.class.php +0 −8 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Layout/Layout.class.php +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Plugin/PluginFactory.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/Admin/ProjectDetailsPresenter.php +3 −5 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/Project.class.php +1 −42 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/ProjectCreator.class.php +0 −24 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/Service.class.php +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/ServiceManager.class.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
D src/common/Reference/ByNature/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/CrossReferenceCvsOrganizer.php +0 −160 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Reference/ByNature/CrossReferenceByNatureInCoreOrganizer.php +0 −10 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Reference/ReferenceManager.php +0 −11 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Request/RouteCollector.php +0 −6 Go to diff View file
M src/common/User/LoginController.class.php +0 −4 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Widget/Event/GetProjectWidgetList.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Widget/WidgetFactory.php +0 −4 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Widget/Widget_ProjectLatestCommits.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
D src/common/Widget/Widget_ProjectLatestCvsCommits.class.php +0 −59 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Widget/Widget_ProjectPublicAreas.class.php +0 −10 Go to diff View file
M src/common/backend/Backend.class.php +5 −17 Go to diff View file
D src/common/backend/BackendCVS.class.php +0 −757 Go to diff View file
M src/common/backend/BackendFactory.class.php +0 −18 Go to diff View file
M src/common/backend/BackendSVN.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/language/BaseLanguage.class.php +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/SystemEvent.class.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/SystemEventManager.class.php +0 −10 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/SystemEventProcessor_Factory.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/SystemEventProcessor_Root.class.php +0 −12 Go to diff View file
D src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_CVS_IS_PRIVATE.class.php +0 −67 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_MEMBERSHIP_CREATE.class.php +0 −8 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_MEMBERSHIP_DELETE.class.php +0 −8 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_PROJECT_CREATE.class.php +0 −10 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_PROJECT_DELETE.class.php +0 −10 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_PROJECT_IS_PRIVATE.class.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_PROJECT_RENAME.class.php +0 −16 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_SERVICE_USAGE_SWITCH.class.php +0 −12 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_SYSTEM_CHECK.class.php +2 −13 Go to diff View file
M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_USER_RENAME.class.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
M src/common/valid/Rule_ProjectName.php +9 −15 Go to diff View file
M src/common/valid/Rule_UserName.php +1 −17 Go to diff View file
M src/core/goto.php +0 −21 Go to diff View file
M src/core/sparklines.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/db/mysql/database_initvalues.sql +0 −34 Go to diff View file
M src/db/mysql/database_structure.sql +0 −120 Go to diff View file
M src/db/mysql/legacy_dashboards.sql +0 −6 Go to diff View file
R plugins/statistics/include/DiskUsage/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/Retriever.php Go to diff View file
D src/etc/PServer.dist +0 −213 Go to diff View file
M src/etc/ +3 −14 Go to diff View file
M src/scripts/tlp/src/fonts/tlp-font/icons.scss +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/templates/admin/projects/project-info.mustache +2 −5 Go to diff View file
D src/templates/project/cvs-header.mustache +0 −7 Go to diff View file
D src/themes/FlamingParrot/css/utils/_cvs.scss +0 −51 Go to diff View file
M src/themes/FlamingParrot/css/utils/_definitions.scss +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/themes/FlamingParrot/css/utils/_project-background.scss +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/themes/common/css/utils/_services.scss +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/tuleap-cfg/Command/SetupMysqlInitCommand.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/ +0 −156 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/commit_prep +0 −245 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/ +0 −62 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/cvs_loginfo_clean.php +0 −67 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/ +0 −36 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/ +0 −51 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/cvssh +0 −37 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/cvssh-restricted +0 −119 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/cvs1/log_accum +0 −1325 Go to diff View file
M src/utils/ +0 −12 Go to diff View file
M src/utils/ +2 −4 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/sudoers.d/tuleap_cvs_log_accum +0 −2 Go to diff View file
D src/utils/systemd/tmpfiles/tuleap-cvs.conf +0 −3 Go to diff View file
M src/www/admin/approve_pending_users.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/www/admin/usergroup.php +0 −7 Go to diff View file
D src/www/cvs/admin_commit.php +0 −113 Go to diff View file
D src/www/cvs/browse_commit.php +0 −236 Go to diff View file
D src/www/cvs/commit_utils.php +0 −785 Go to diff View file
D src/www/cvs/cvs_intro.php +0 −84 Go to diff View file
D src/www/cvs/detail_commit.php +0 −105 Go to diff View file
D src/www/cvs/index.php +0 −108 Go to diff View file
M src/www/include/utils.php +0 −34 Go to diff View file
M src/www/include/viewvc_utils.php +0 −3 Go to diff View file
M src/www/project/export/access_logs_export.php +0 −34 Go to diff View file
M src/www/project/export/project_export_utils.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/www/project/stats/source_code_access.php +0 −6 Go to diff View file
M src/www/project/stats/source_code_access_utils.php +0 −88 Go to diff View file
M src/www/tlp-doc/resources/visual-assets/icons/font-awesome-tlp-extension/demo.html +0 −6 Go to diff View file
M src/www/tracker/gotoid.php +2 −12 Go to diff View file
M tests/integration/_fixtures/fake_project/project.xml +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/integration/_fixtures/ +3 −14 Go to diff View file
D tests/integration/tests/Backend/BackendCVSTest.php +0 −524 Go to diff View file
D tests/integration/tests/Backend/_fixtures/cvsroot/loginfo.cvsnt +0 −30 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/Backend/BackendTest.php +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/Project/ProjectCreatorTest.php +0 −2 Go to diff View file
D tests/unit/common/Reference/ByNature/ConcurrentVersionsSystem/CrossReferenceCvsOrganizerTest.php +0 −185 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/Reference/ByNature/CrossReferenceByNatureInCoreOrganizerTest.php +0 −28 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/SystemEvent/SystemEventPROJECTISPRIVATETest.php +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/SystemEvent/SystemEventProcessorRootTest.php +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/SystemEvent/include/SystemEvent_PROJECT_DELETE_Test.php +0 −167 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/SystemEvent/include/SystemEvent_PROJECT_RENAME_Test.php +0 −114 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/SystemEvent/include/SystemEvent_USER_RENAME_Test.php +0 −72 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/valid/Rule_ProjectNameTest.php +0 −34 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/valid/Rule_UserNameTest.php +0 −9 Go to diff View file
M tools/docker/tuleap-aio-dev/ +0 −2 Go to diff View file
M tools/docker/tuleap-aio/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M tools/rpm/ +4 −1 Go to diff View file
M tools/rpm/tuleap.rhel7.spec +8 −82 Go to diff View file
M tools/ +0 −2 Go to diff View file
D tools/setup/el7/include/ +0 −94 Go to diff View file