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feat: Display user group list columns

part of story #38310 Choose my own columns based on field name (lists) How to test: - Enable the feature flag: $ tuleap config-set feature_flag_enable_tql_select 1 - Set up a list field bound to user groups - Write a query using SELECT <the list field shortname> and save the report. - In the table, you should see a column with the shortname as header. For each artifact, it lists the translated labels of the system user groups (Project Members, etc.) or the labels of the custom user groups. There is a comma character "," to separate multiple values. Change-Id: I563dfdba77c345617ce60ace946abf72e14a24d4

Modified Files

M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/api/ArtifactsTableBuilder.test.ts +51 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/api/ArtifactsTableBuilder.ts +17 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/api/cross-tracker-rest-api-types.ts +11 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/components/selectable-table/SelectableCell.test.ts +5 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/components/selectable-table/SelectableCell.vue +18 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/crosstracker/scripts/cross-tracker/src/domain/ArtifactsTable.ts +7 −0 Go to diff View file