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request #13934 Bad request when I try to create a File via the new Document UI Modal

Intorduced by: I57f805f77910ea11c37f38f953051f4d8bbd3744 Context: REST route need to have null as obsolesence date, when no obsolescence date is set. Data binding on obsolesence date is done over item_to_create (defined in NewItemModal.vue and done via the v-model) But before creation, we need to override the "" value by null to be REST valid. If we simply override the item.obsolescence_date, we will have errors in console, because the data binding will try to apply its change during the item creation. In last commit, I duplicated my object to create, in order to be able to do such modifications, but my item duplication wasn't good enough and override the file send by input. Change-Id: I523507d0a77453c159430ba4cbf89675d8c183c7

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M plugins/document/scripts/document/store/actions.js +2 −0 Go to diff View file