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Remove duplicate artifact returned when search artifact is used

Part of story #24971 [modal] search for artifacts Prerequisite: - Make sure to have a tracker with the semantic Title and Description set - An artifact in this tracker with word or at least some letters in common in the Title and Description. - The FTS backend is enabled To test: - Open the artifact modal of an artifact which contains the `Artifact link` field - In the artifact field, open the link dropdown and search for the artifact create in the prerequiste part => Only one artifact is displayed Change-Id: Id3c1fb7e94b7b9f00c1d0c10b33034dae28b2e3f

Modified Files

A plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field/ArtifactLinkListDuplicateRemover.test.ts +44 −0 Go to diff View file
A plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field/ArtifactLinkListDuplicateRemover.ts +35 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field/ArtifactLinkSelectorAutoCompleter.ts +7 −1 Go to diff View file