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feat: artidoc support markdown italic

Part of story #38627: Choice of a new Rich Text Editor Add an inputRule to support markdown italic How to test: -- Write *italic* or _italic_ -> The text should switch to italic -> The * or _ should disappear -> The italic button should be activated when the cursor is placed on the word -- Write **bold** or __bold__ -> The text should switch to bold -> The ** or __ should disappear -> The bold button should be activated when the cursor is placed on the word -- Write ***italic and bold*** or ___italic and bold___ -> The text should switch to italic and bold -> The *** or ___ should disappear -> The italic and bold buttons should be activated when the cursor is placed on the word group Change-Id: I16a42dff955d4199bcdc02ee53f6391f052c4684

Modified Files

M lib/frontend/prose-mirror-editor/src/plugins/toolbar/input-rules.ts +5 −0 Go to diff View file