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feat(jira): Jira Replay gather informations from archive

In order to run a Jira Replay, we need informations about the Jira project and issue type and those informations were harcoded. However it's possible to extract those data from the archive. How to test: tuleap import-project:replay-jira \ --path plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Creation/JiraImporter/Import/_fixtures/SBX \ --project=$PROJECT_NAME \ --user=$TULEAP_USER_NAME \ --tracker-name=$TRACKER_NAME Part of: request #24222 Jira import fields that are only updated Change-Id: Ib1c82d5516b40d914301022b32e50fc048bab138

Modified Files

M plugins/jira_import/include/Project/ReplayImportCommand.php +16 −4 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Creation/JiraImporter/JiraClientReplay.php +22 −0 Go to diff View file