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feat: prevent installation if no workers

tracker_cce plugin cannot be installed nor enabled if there isn't any workers. * Uninstall tracker_cce plugin * Edit `/etc/tuleap/conf/` to set `sys_nb_backend_workers = 0` * ➡️ You cannot install the plugin * Edit `/etc/tuleap/conf/` to set `sys_nb_backend_workers = 1` * Install the plugin * Edit `/etc/tuleap/conf/` to set `sys_nb_backend_workers = 0` * ➡️ You cannot enable the plugin * Edit `/etc/tuleap/conf/` to set `sys_nb_backend_workers = 1` * Enable the plugin Part of story #35093: execute custom code as artifact post action Change-Id: I7b4450f9aa74e12ca47c3606286e704418fa9a93

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker_cce/include/tracker_ccePlugin.php +7 −0 Go to diff View file