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feat: Filter possible parents

part of story #24969 [modal] add and remove links (replace current artifact link) How to test: - Edit or create an artifact that can have possible parents (either in a Team linked to a Program or in a Tracker Hierarchy) - when you choose the "Parent" link type, the link-selector dropdown will show a "Possible parents" group - if you type a number "substring" of the id of possible parents, the dropdown content is filtered and only "matching" parents appear. The "Matching artifacts" group is also listed. - if you type a string "substring" of the title of possible parents, the dropdown content is filtered and only "matching" parents appear. The comparison ignores case. - if you empty the input, all the possible parents appear. Change-Id: I0abae524f0e4643b6dc8b76fcffbc742463b70fe

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field-v2/ArtifactLinkSelectorAutoCompleter.test.ts +116 −98 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field-v2/ArtifactLinkSelectorAutoCompleter.ts +25 −20 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field-v2/LinkFieldController.test.ts +13 −13 Go to diff View file
A plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/domain/fields/link-field-v2/LinkableArtifactFilter.test.ts +44 −0 Go to diff View file
A plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/domain/fields/link-field-v2/LinkableArtifactFilter.ts +33 −0 Go to diff View file