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chore: Drop sha1collisiondetector

It is no more needed since Subversion 1.9.6/1.8.18, see Part of request #38611 Drop code and build process related to EL7 Change-Id: If0e663938ea4aa50205e43822f08d934e5d5e5ea

Modified Files

M plugins/svn/bin/svn_pre_commit.php +0 −6 Go to diff View file
D plugins/svn/include/SVN/Commit/CollidingSHA1Validator.php +0 −82 Go to diff View file
D plugins/svn/tests/unit/SVN/Hooks/PreCommitSHA1CollisionTest.php +0 −83 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector.nix +0 −83 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector/.gitignore +0 −1 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector/Cargo.lock +0 −238 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector/Cargo.toml +0 −7 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector/sha1collisiondetector.spec +0 −32 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector/shell.nix +0 −7 Go to diff View file
D src/additional-packages/sha1collisiondetector/src/ +0 −20 Go to diff View file
D src/common/SVNCore/SHA1CollisionDetector.php +0 −48 Go to diff View file
D src/common/SVNCore/SHA1CollisionException.php +0 −25 Go to diff View file
D tests/integration/tests/SVNCore/SHA1CollisionDetectorTest.php +0 −48 Go to diff View file
D tests/integration/tests/SVNCore/_fixtures/tuleap-shattered.pdf +- −- Go to diff View file
M tools/rpm/tuleap.spec +0 −1 Go to diff View file