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Prevent user to select start date field === end date field

part of: story #12537 configure my burndown/up & sprint with a start date & end date How to test: - Select a start date field - Select the "start date + end date" mode - Open the end date selectbox --> The start date field is disabled in the selectbox options - Select an end date field - open the start date field --> The end date field is disabled in the selectbox options - Switch to "start date + duration" mode --> The end date selectbox is disabled and it displays "Choose a field..." --> Every fields are selectable in the start date selectbox - Now switch back to "start date + end date" mode --> the curretly selected start date field is disabled in the end date field selectbox Change-Id: I4cb043af73db9e423e9e6dde4131365f1527c2cd

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M plugins/tracker/www/scripts/semantic-timeframe-option-selector.js +104 −1 Go to diff View file