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request #9239 Computed field v2 error on autocompute calculation

To reproduce : Given a hierachy of 3 trackers : Tracker A computed field : a target a - Tracker B computed field : a target b - Tracker C integer field : b And given 3 artifacts: Artifact A Artifact B Artifact C value 5 Without the patch: - when I display Artifact A, then its computed field will be "empty" - when I display Artifact B, then its computed field will also be "empty" With the patch: - Given Tracker A's computed field was in "fast compute", when I display Artifact A, then its computed field will still be empty. - Given Tracker A's computed field was NOT in "fast compute", when I display Artifact A, then its computed field will have value 5 - Given Tracker B's computed field was in "fast compute", when I display Artifact B, then its computed field will have value 5 Non regression: - when I create a new computed field, it will be in "fast compute" and its "target field" will be the same as its name - when I edit a computed field that is in "fast compute" and with its "target field" equal to its name, then no form input will be displayed for "fast compute" or "target field" Change-Id: Ic04ced9abe81172c431356ab4d597c2545cadde5

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_Computed.class.php +9 −10 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/View/Admin/Field/Computed.class.php +13 −0 Go to diff View file