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Ignore files in errors for global progress bar

Part of story #10721: upload documents with drag'n drop Drop a file that takes ages to upload. Now in FileUploadController, throw new \Exception() in process to simulate an upload error for the next dropped file. Drop a small file (few bytes so that you don't wait too long). The upload modal appears, indicating that there is a big file still uploading (maybe still at 0%) and the small file in [Upload error]. Close the modal. The global progress bar should display 0% and not 50%. Change-Id: I8aceb530c50ed399e8eb9b91e1b0cc32f23ec575

Modified Files

M plugins/document/scripts/document/store/getters.js +7 −14 Go to diff View file
M plugins/document/scripts/document/store/getters.spec.js +3 −3 Go to diff View file