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fix: Close request #30390 Field dependence validation must block when target value is empty

Given a tracker with two selectbox fields not involved in workflow. If a tracker administrator defines a field dependency between these two fields, and configures the values so that one source value does not have any target value, then any update done on an artifact selecting this source value must be blocked by Tuleap. This must also be enforced at artifact creation. How to test ----------- * Go to a tracker with 2 selectbox fields not involved in workflow * Add a field dependency between these two fields and set a source value (A) that does not have any target value * Go to an artifact, try to create/update an artifact with the value (A) => In both modal and artifact UI the creation/update must be rejected. Change-Id: I74825f039f9b2ef186b01a7fff126d0d3587387a

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Rule/TrackerRulesListValidator.php +13 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Rules/TrackerRulesListValidatorTest.php +53 −1 Go to diff View file