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feat: Use different program check to list top backlog actions

part of request #39352 Program add to top backlog post-action should ignore Teams How to test: - Create a new Program project from the Agile Release Train template. - Do not link any Teams to the Program. - Go to the Features tracker administration > Workflow > Transitions. When you click on the "To Plan" state config, you should see the "Add to top backlog" post-action, but its name is blank. Same for "Scheduled" and "WIP" columns. - If you try to trigger the post-action, it will continue doing nothing. This will be addressed in a separate commit. - Without this patch, in the same columns, the post-action was not listed at all (the REST route returned []). Why? The existence of the "Add to Top backlog" post-action was linked to having a Program completely configured and linked to Teams. There is no real functional reason to forbid this post action when the Program has no Teams. At worst case, it will add to the top backlog, but then it cannot be planned anywhere because there are no Teams. This makes it hard to use Templates, because by nature, a Template of a Program will never be linked to any Teams, as its purpose is to be duplicated. When this duplication occurs, the code checks again to see if there are any Teams linked to the template, and as a result, the workflow cannot be inherited. This is a first step towards fixing this duplication. Change-Id: Ieee032616a8db8bb4c2851ba154da76f2a18aa18

Modified Files

A plugins/program_management/include/Adapter/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/ProgramServiceIsEnabledVerifier.php +40 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/Adapter/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/Workflow/AddToTopBacklogPostActionFactory.php +18 −23 Go to diff View file
A plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/ProgramIdentifierForTopBacklogAction.php +51 −0 Go to diff View file
A plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/VerifyProgramServiceIsEnabled.php +28 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/Domain/Program/ProgramIdentifier.php +4 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/include/program_managementPlugin.php +4 −0 Go to diff View file
A plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Adapter/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/ProgramForTopBacklogActionVerifierTest.php +65 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Adapter/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/Workflow/AddToTopBacklogPostActionFactoryTest.php +37 −34 Go to diff View file
A plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Domain/Program/Backlog/TopBacklog/ProgramIdentifierForTopBacklogActionTest.php +49 −0 Go to diff View file
A plugins/program_management/tests/unit/Tests/Stub/Workspace/VerifyProgramServiceIsEnabledStub.php +46 −0 Go to diff View file