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Clean user preferences tests

request #20087 clean user preferences tests - Some tests depends on reults of previous tests, it's an anti-pattern[0] - The ssh key of user, is now generated in ed25519 who is shorter (typing many caracters is long in UI) - I simply remove some tests, in some case returning in default state is not mandatory (exemple export csv formt, notifications in html ...) This changes improve a little bit the time execution of test suite, it pass from 32s to 20s [0] Change-Id: I5965325a30ff4a61cc9f2b03b71867b017c83a53

Modified Files

D tests/e2e/full/cypress/fixtures/ +0 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/e2e/full/cypress/integration/user_preferences.spec.ts +35 −105 Go to diff View file