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request #10131: Images attached in PHPWiki can not be displayed in a wiki page when Internet Explorer 11 is used

The issue was caused because the value of the Content-Type header was set surrounded with quotes (and thus invalid). Since commit 74889c9c59e498aab13dc9e25552d6387f725af6, IE11 does not do MIME Sniffing anymore (which is good) and thus does not render the image. Recent or decent browsers does not mime sniffing either but they know the web is deeply broken so they do a bit of clean up before trying to use the content of a header. This contribution only fix the symptom not the root cause, I'm afraid of what's can break in PHPWiki if I do an attempt to properly fix it. Change-Id: I9c998b98ee95521789c3195b8a6241e5add9812a

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M src/common/wiki/lib/WikiAttachmentRevision.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file