    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2021-11-10 00:00)

    Referencing rel #22713

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #23430 Hidden follow-up comment when we follow an anchor
    request #23424 vite: 2.4.1 -> 2.6.7, esbuild-loader: 2.15.1 -> 2.16.0
    request #23401 lit-html: 1.4.1 -> 2.0.2
    request #23043 Program management: clean domain
    request #23444 Unable to upload a photo to Mediawiki
    request #23448 Lists generated from an HTML content can have a "ghost" item
    request #23450 Generating the bundle of a Git repository during an XML export should be done with Git 2.18
    request #23452 Doing REST or Webdav operations with Basic Auth should not create a "long session"
    request #23453 Fix DB migration bucket b202109291736_correct_request_method_to_allow_patch of the userlog plugin
    request #23451 Build the "additional" packages in the main build process
    request #23454 Give more time to the containers to start before considering them unhealthy
    request #23440 Date error prevents creation of Program Increments
    request #23456 Make sure /var/tmp/tuleap_cache/php directory is present on boot
    request #23460 Psalm: 4.10.0 -> 4.11.1
    request #23458 Bump slugify 1.5.1 -> 1.6.1
    request #23467 Jest test results archived under the wrong file name
    request #23442 eslint: 7.27.0 -> 8.1.0
    request #23468 Clean-up HTML strings before adding them to the generated documents
    request #23470 Press enter should save instead of closing the modal when saving a tracker report
    request #23472 Improve table rendering in the generated document
    request #23473 Lists in HTML content share the same instance accross the whole generated document
    request #23474 Add a page break after each artifact in the generated document
    request #23475 Cannot authenticate over SSH with Git LFS 3.0.0+
    request #23478 Dissociate TLP badges from cross references badges
    request #23476 Hide floating button labels on small resolution
    request #23477 Ldap search for autocomplete doesn't work
    request #23480 Fix errors on npm re-install/rebuild
    request #23489 Remove write a review link
    request #23490 swagger-ui: 3.52.3 -> 4.0.0
    request #23488 Improve errors in Program management
    request #23479 Openid and ldap user login generator must be the same
    request #23492 SQL errors in disk usage statistics
    request #23491 marked: 3.0.4 -> 4.0.0
    request #23466 Bump cypress to 8.7.0
    request #23818 Document folder can no longer be download
    request #23496 Add warnings when displaying code with bidirectional Unicode text in Git/PR web UI
