    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2023-09-13 00:00)

    Referencing rel #32657

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #33973 Bump pnpm 8.6.10 -> 8.6.12
    request #33977 Missing border on outline labels in the labeled items configuration
    request #33667 Trash the old pull-requests angular overview
    request #33983 Integrators shall not self merge their patches
    request #33976 ForumML EOL
    request #33989 semver: 5.7.1 -> 5.7.2, 6.3.0 -> 6.3.1, 7.3.8 -> 7.5.2
    request #33995 Mailman EOL
    request #33984 Program Timeframe semantic configuration must check datetime format
    request #33994 Double linkification of references when "purifying" content in light mode
    request #33990 mercure: 0.14.10 -> 0.15.2
    request #33997 Drop support of CVS
    request #33982 Upgrade psalm to version 5.15.0
    request #33999 in tracker printer version a js error is thrown
    request #33991 Wasmtime: 11.0.0 -> 12.0.1
    request #34003 pnpm: 8.6.12 -> 8.7.0
    request #34001 Terms SAST and SCA should appear in our test policy document
    request #34004 Field used in assignee semantic must be more visible
    request #34005 User can no longer clear pull request description
    request #34006 Archive @bdauton integrator signing key
    request #33992 Upgrade GitLab CE image to 16.0.8
    request #34000 Jira mono-tracker shortname must be "issue"
    request #34007 Add missing dependency from tracker-creation app to tlp
    request #34012 jest: 29.0.3 -> 29.6.4
    request #34014 Git references are no more well extracted
    request #34013 prettier: 2.8.8 -> 3.0.3
    request #34010 Update gitlab developer doc
    request #34020 vue*-jest: 29.2.0 -> 29.2.5
    request #34022 `tuleap config-set` should accept spaces in the value
    request #34017 babel: 7.19.1 -> 7.22.15
    request #34023 webpack: 5.76.1 -> 5.88.2, webpack-cli: 4.10.0 -> 5.1.4
    request #33987 Roadmap widget does not fold/unfold correctly
    request #34019 Meilisearch: 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
    request #34025 eslint-config-prettier: 8.5.0 -> 9.0.0
    request #34021 ForgeUpgrage buckets might not be executed when they come from a not yet enabled plugin
    request #34015 Drop support of management of system users and groups
    request #34018 git: 2.41.0 -> 2.42.0
    request #34028 cypress: 12.10.0 -> 13.1.0
    request #34030 jsdom: 20.0.3 -> 22.1.0
    request #34029 Remove HTML tags from translated strings in Title, Description and Initial effort semantics
    request #34033 Program service should be available even without DB entry
    request #34337 Do not forbid inactivation of services
