      story #18401 Disable keyboard shortcuts when a modal is open
    Disable keyboard shortcuts when a modal is open
    Avoid frustration and context loss when I accidentally trigger a shortcut.

    When navigating with the mouse, the modal blocks much of the view and blocks the global context. I cannot click "under" the modal. Similarly, I should not be able to trigger "global" shortcuts that have an effect outside of the modal when a modal is open.

    We should modify TLP to trigger some sort of custom event when any modal is open. "Keyboard navigation" would listen to this event and disable the shortcuts.
    The modal, when closed, would trigger another custom event and "Keyboard navigation" would listen to this event and enable back the shortcuts.
    This should replace the actual system of events triggered on the modal itself, which should be replaced by a callback system. This refactoring however can be moved out of the scope of this story.

    Referencing story #18401

    Artifact Tracker v5

    rel #18502 W02-03
    Access Information
    2020-12-02 15:10
    Joris MASSON (jmasson)
    2021-01-14 16:25
    Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)


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    Joris MASSON (jmasson)2021-01-05 14:23
    Removed the part about "x" not being accessible. Since it is added manually for each modal, it would mean editing all the modals in Tuleap (there are a lot). It will be a dedicated request / story

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