      epic #8107 Full project export/import
    Full project export/import

    1 - What should be archived

    Project metadata

    Project metadata are exported (and imported) as a snapshot. We take the current list of services, user groups, etc at the time of export.

    Services, however might deal with history (for instance Tracker, subversion history & co).

    Statistics elements (including disk usage) are not exported (nor imported)

    1.1 - Project widget customisation

    • wont't be archived

    1.2 - services

    The list of enabled service , their rank ...

    1.3 - Service details

    1.3.1 - Documents

    • an archive for the documents
    • xml for non-physical docs
    • only mandatory metadata to be archived: title, description, owner (its real name), creation_date and last_update_date

    1.3.2 - PHPwiki

    • Make use of the dump feature offered in the PhpWiki? Administration: doc #83401 (to be confirmed)
    • or may be make use of the REST api for wiki

    1.3.3 - MediaWiki

    • n/a

    1.3.4 - FRS

    • archive the packages.

    1.3.5 - Webdav

    nothing to import

    1.3.6 - TrackerV3

    partially done with the TV3ToV5 feature

    1.3.7 - TrackerV5

    the xml structure + content

    1.3.8 - Agile dashboard

    • the xml structure

    1.3.9 - Subversion

    • the repository source

    1.3.10 - Git

    • the sources repositories

    1.3.11 - Continuous integrations

    • n/a

    1.3.12 - Lists

    • the Ml archives or the mbox file +attachement folder
    • forumM won't be imported

    1.3.13 - Forums

    • all in the db optionnal

    1.3.14 - Surveys

    • won't be archived

    1.3.15 - News

    • all in the db: dump it to xml files optionnal

    1.4 - users and users groups

    • Users & Group members are exported

    2 - How it should be archived

    The idea is to have an xml file per project

    2.1 - xml structure

    <name> service_name_1</name>
    <rank> service_rank_1 </rank>
    <name> service_name_2</name>
    <rank> service_rank_2 </rank>
    <name> service_name_n</name>
    <rank> service_rank_n </rank>
    Nouha Terzi (terzino)
    2018-07-17 11:25
    2015-05-28 10:20


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    BTW, it might be worth telling tuleap-devel that this topic is debated. Nouha, could you please inform them (people will be bored to see only me posting there) ?
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    I think some fundamental points should be discussed:

    - We consider archiving a snapshot of the project at the time t: no need to archive the whole history of the project.

    - No permissions will be archived. The restore mechanism will set no-body specific permission, permission set to only to the admin_site that will restore the project.

    - No users membership will be archived. no ugroup will be archived.

    All the work done today for export/import does manage history, membership and permissions:

    • Export of SVN, CVS and git deal with history
    • Export of docman deals with versions and permissions
    • Export of Tv3 deals with history and permissions

    The work we (Enalean) will do on tv3 -> tv5 cross-platform will come with user_group and membership management as docman export/import already does.

    I think we should be consistent with this behaviour when possible.