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Block users*/ REST routes

part of story #12160 - have a clean way to suspend a project /!\ Please note that the job for get /users/{id}/timetracking and get /users/usertimes will be done in a dedicated commit. Routes to test: - get /user_groups/{id} - get /user_groups/{id}/users - put /user_groups/{id}/users - post /user_groups - get /users/{id}/history -> For that one, make sure that entries related to suspended projects do not appear in the collection. How to test: - For siteadmin --> GET routes works --> 403 errors for POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE - For regular users --> 403 errors, 403 errors everywhere Change-Id: Iaab4a85ab830c683784aa31f6c1ffe23a147370f

Modified Files

M src/common/User/REST/v1/UserResource.php +12 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/project/REST/v1/UserGroupResource.class.php +22 −0 Go to diff View file