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Closes request #29633 Meilisearch: 0.29.2 -> 0.30.0

Release notes: To test you will need to build the updated package and to deploy it on your dev instance. The easiest way to deal with the Meilisearch database upgrade is to drop the existing data and to ask Tuleap to re-index everything: 1. `rm -rf /var/lib/tuleap/fts_meilisearch_server/` 2. Possibly `systemctl restart tuleap-meilisearch` to make sure the Meilisearch instance is up 3. `tuleap full-text-search:identify-all-items-to-index` 4. `tuleap full-text-search:index-all-pending-items` The other way is to follow the Meilisearch official upgrade guide but you need to do the dump before updating the server: Change-Id: Ic3ee8c28e70d24ef3a83b9365f1793a2431e9c55

Modified Files

M plugins/fts_meilisearch/additional-packages/tuleap-meilisearch-server.nix +3 −3 Go to diff View file