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Modal V3 - Route REST doesn't retrieve the correct computed value

This is part of story #9090 have computed fields compatible with artifact links v2 When you have a manual value set, the REST route always displays the manual value for back to autocompute. Given an artifact, with a manual value set to 5, and a computed value calculate to 10, I want the REST route give me : { "is_autocomputed": false, "value": 10, "manual_value": 5 }, instead of { "is_autocomputed": false, "value": 5, "manual_value": 5 }, Change-Id: Icea7139110b508fadd9e48c3f3b969ba521256ab

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M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_Computed.class.php +7 −2 Go to diff View file