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request #17533 Workflow doesn't applied in modal creation

How to reproduce: - Have a required selectbox in a tracker - Add a workflow on this field (Created -> Open, Open -> Closed) - Open a modal with this tracker - You can choose between "", 'Closed', 'Open' instead of only 'Open' This issue was introduce in story #16125 [0] Previously, the 'is_used' field in tracker workflow in Rest API was a string, and modal use it. Now it's a boolean stored in db (0 or 1), and it's an integer that's displayed in Rest API, and the modal can't use is anymore. [0] git #tuleap/stable/1e59908135dbd7d072c22aa89c07de2f14dc42cb Change-Id: Id19e56e8ed6d7d40c091fcb47bbbe326f2e63867

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/REST/WorkflowRepresentation.class.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/rest/Workflows/TrackerWorkflowsTest.php +16 −1 Go to diff View file