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Fallback to tlp-en_US.js if unknown locale

Some users wants to start translation of Tuleap in various languages other than english or french: ja_JP, pt_PT, ru_RU… However BurningParrot complains because it does not know ja_JP variant of TLP js asset. To test this: * Introduce locale in $sys_supported_languages: $sys_supported_languages = 'ja_JP,en_US,fr_FR'; * In your preference page switch language to this new one[0] * Now go to a BurningParrot page. You should not have fatal error complaining the lack of tlp-ja_JP.js file. Fix request #13742: Problem adding a new translation [0] There is a high chance that it will be labeled "English" since it does not know its localised label. So you have to use one of the two English lang, or you have to create the label: echo -e "system\tlocale_label\t日本語" > /etc/tuleap/site-content/ja_JP/ Change-Id: Ie0d5cfa1cb8a801fe263226f914a534bc2cce0b9

Modified Files

M src/common/layout/IncludeAssets.php +14 −1 Go to diff View file
A src/common/layout/IncludeAssetsManifestException.php +25 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/www/themes/BurningParrot/BurningParrotTheme.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
A tests/phpunit/common/Layout/IncludeAssetsTest.php +81 −0 Go to diff View file