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Respect column order of previous dashboards during migration

This is a part of story #10173 Have multiple dashboards The previous dashboards were not using "ORDER BY id" to display columns of a layout. Therefore we should not ORDER BY id during the migration. This can be an issue for users that can see their widgets appearing in a different order than before. To reproduce, you can change the engine of layouts_rows_columns to MyISAM and force the insertion of id in an odd order. For example: INSERT INTO layouts_rows_columns (id, layout_row_id, width) VALUES (8, 10, 33), (10, 10, 33), (9, 10, 33); (Don't forget to add widgets in those columns) With order by (previous version of this migration), columns are displayed: 8, 9, 10. Without order by (like it was displayed in legacy dashboards), columns are displayed: 8, 10, 9. Change-Id: Ia65a31fb2512141971ea260c2889616dc2a949e1

Modified Files

M src/db/mysql/updates/2017/201706091011_migrate_old_dashboard.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file