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Fetch the cvs-tuleap and mailman-tuleap packages into the main build pipeline

Rebuilding those packages from scratch is a bit challenging: * a static build is not so easy since there is direct dependencies to parts of the glibc * the code is not really up to the standards expected by modern build tools * the build process is not really malleable so changing the build tools cannot be done without some code changes Since those packages are not updated often (if at all) the existing RPMs have been put in the repositories and we use Nix to pull them. This is still better than what we currently do since we are certain the same content will be used. An issue has been identified with the fetchLFS=true feature of nixpkgs' fetchgit. A local hotfix has been made until a proper fix is upstreamed and merged. Part of request #23451: Build the "additional" packages in the main build process Change-Id: Id1ae64737992dff079416e91b20cf18708a1a56b

Modified Files

A src/additional-packages/cvs-tuleap.nix +23 −0 Go to diff View file
A src/additional-packages/mailman-tuleap.nix +23 −0 Go to diff View file
A tools/utils/nix/fetchers/fetchgitlfs.nix +13 −0 Go to diff View file