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Generate .po file when I introduce gettext in a plugin

Given a plugin that does not contain gettext yet (e.g. admindelegation) When I introduce gettext (e.g. dgettext('tuleap-admindelegation', 'yolo')) And I run `make generate-po`, Then fr_FR .po file should be generated (e.g. plugins/admindelegation/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-admindelegation.po) Given another plugin that does not contain gettext yet, When I run `make generate-po`, Then no fr_FR .po file should be generated for this plugin. Part of story #12553: see flags that categorize my project in all project pages Change-Id: Ib554481261ea18a59dfa54dd0e4e949acd3d7899

Modified Files

M tools/utils/generate-po.php +17 −0 Go to diff View file