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request #10523: Links to Git repositories are broken in the heartbeat widget when repositories are in a folder

To reproduce the issue: 1. Add a hearbeat widget in one of your project's dashboards 2. Create a Git repo in a folder, e.g. bugs/request10253 3. Push something in it 4. The links to the Git repo in the hearbeat widget are broken Change-Id: Ie8d924a15f2f289e83f49a2230241f50d23d58ee

Modified Files

M plugins/git/include/Git/LatestHeartbeatsCollector.php +13 −20 Go to diff View file
M plugins/git/include/gitPlugin.class.php +1 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/git/tests/Git/LatestHeartbeatsCollectorTest.php +1 −0 Go to diff View file