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request #10960: Messages submitted to a mailing list through the web UI does not have a body

With the changes introduced by commit aeb5b37a99312bfdb8e16bcd90e683a323be1fd0, mails with only a text part are not sent with a multipart/alternative containing only a text/plain part. While being a valid construction it seems to confuse the archiver and might alos confuse other tools. Let's just send a text/plain part when only a text/plain part is needed and keep multipart/alternative Tuleap needs to send both a text/plain and text/html parts. Change-Id: I360b10e84c6e96755907d4bf05d8a703cf6e0084

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M src/common/mail/Codendi_Mail.class.php +4 −0 Go to diff View file