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fix: typo in french translation for progression usage

In french we have this sentence displayed while we are managing the progression semantic: > À plus long terme, nous prévoyons de l'utiliser dans le Dashboard agile. The capitalized "Dashboard" at the middle of the sentence seems weird. It is not a french term, but at least it should be in lower case. French translations found for Agile Dashboard in our .po file: * Agile Dashboard * tableau de bard agile * dashboard agile We should stick to one translation to not loose the user, but it deserves its dedicated commit to handle that. Part of story #20919: define progress of artifacts Change-Id: Ib61c861ea2da83280cf4a5591840050974ddc42e

Modified Files

M plugins/agiledashboard/site-content/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/tuleap-agiledashboard.po +2 −2 Go to diff View file