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fix: wrong redirection for /my/

As anonymous user, try to go to the following url: https://tuleap-web.tuleap-aio-dev.docker/my/?toto=titi&tata=tutu Should be asked to login, and then should be redirected to this exact url, not with a return_to parameter. Without this, welcome modal is not displayed if user tries to access to her personal page with an invitation token while she is not logged in. Honestly, this part of the code is a mystery. I don't really understand the use cases for a special treatment for "/my/" urls. I tried to insert myself without touching too much as I am afraid to break something already brittle. Part of request #29614: Invited users shouldn't be mandated to re-confirm their email Change-Id: I2d704f4ea16b37c37366aec75e5596a003edb756

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M src/www/include/account.php +6 −1 Go to diff View file