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Adjust log levels and contexts in the MilestoneCreatorChecker class

The info level messages have been moved to the debug level as they can happen quite often on a busy instance and are not that useful outside of a debugging session. Logs about a user missing missing permissions to do an action has also been moved to the debug level as it is not the result of a incorrect configuration and can perfectly happen in the day-to-day usage. Exceptions are given as part of the context so that the logs contains the full information. Part of story #16125: [release management] create a new Aggregator Release Change-Id: I2cd12aba8cfa1a94376497180ff62a3deb790020

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M plugins/multi_project_backlog/include/Aggregator/Milestone/CreationCheck/MilestoneCreatorChecker.php +6 −6 Go to diff View file