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Package `tuleap-mercure` binary

This contribution packages the `mercure` binary so it can be installed on Tuleap instances. Using the pre-built binary provided by the upstream project is not adequate because it does not give us visibility on what dependencies we are injecting into our codebase and the current version is bundled with an outdated version of Caddy. To test, you can do something like this: 1. Build the RPM with `nix-build ./src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure.nix` 2. Copy the resulting RPM into your dev container and install it 3. Check that you can execute `/usr/bin/tuleap-mercure`, you can start the whole server with a Caddyfile looking like this: ``` { auto_https off admin off } http://localhost:3000 log route { mercure { transport_url bolt:///tmp/mercure.db publisher_jwt ChangeMe HS256 subscriber_jwt ChangeMe HS256 } respond "Not Found" 404 } ``` Deploying a systemD unit is left out for future contributions. Part of story #27884: have access to a minimal working mercure environment Change-Id: I0b55270c11860f5988bd2d62a1610b42847fcab2

Modified Files

A src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure.nix +47 −0 Go to diff View file
A src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure/go.mod +132 −0 Go to diff View file
A src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure/go.sum +2114 −0 Go to diff View file
A src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure/main.go +10 −0 Go to diff View file
A src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure/shell.nix +7 −0 Go to diff View file
A src/additional-packages/tuleap-mercure/tuleap-mercure.spec +32 −0 Go to diff View file