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request #25328: Anonymous Git over HTTP operations do not succeed

The issue is caused by the fact that /usr/lib/tuleap/git/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend try to find Git in the Nix store and when it do not, it fallbacks to whatever Git version is available in the path. In order to avoid that we change a bit the way we build our static binaries. Instead of rewrapping the Git binary to set some env variables to set the appropriate paths we tell the Git build system to use our final deployment path as a prefix and to "install" inside the Nix store. This is different than the base derivation where the "$out" path of the Nix store is used as the prefix. The resulting binaries do not expect to find the other parts inside the Nix store but under /usr/lib/tuleap/git as we expect. Change-Id: I90e83526b52f673110b3fea3ea34bc9d77a7bb32

Modified Files

M plugins/git/additional-packages/tuleap-git-bin.nix +10 −17 Go to diff View file
M plugins/git/additional-packages/tuleap-git-bin.spec +3 −3 Go to diff View file