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chore: Add unit tests for always there fields in cross-tracker search

Part of story #36833 search on semantics and always there fields even if not defined No functional change. CI should be happy. Why ? Before working on the feature, we need to refactor the structure of the query validation to transition away from checks being grouped by comparison type (equals, lesser than, etc). We want to group checks by semantic / field type instead, as it is easier to understand. Most of the time, we work "field by field", so it makes more sense to have all the business rules for a given field in as few files as possible, instead of having all the business rules for "equals" comparisons being grouped together. Furthermore, usage of inheritance makes it hard to keep a mental model of the validation rules for a given field. To limit risks of regression, we need to add missing unit tests before. Change-Id: Ia7add552aef2d0b842dc6b62c774b735d09514b0

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M plugins/crosstracker/tests/unit/CrossTracker/Report/Query/Advanced/InvalidTermCollectorVisitorTest.php +123 −33 Go to diff View file