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request #10614: Inconsistencies in database breaks REST api

Create a user group. In a tracker, bind a user selectbox (assigned to) to this user group. Now remove this user group. In the api explorer: GET /trackers/:id => a notice prevents you to get results. This happens only on dev instances since prod should not display errors. The best way would be to clean the database whenever we delete a user group. However, the way the table is designed does not allow to do it nicely (if only they were designed with 3NF… #sadpanda). Therefore a good enough solution is to ignore bad entries. Change-Id: Ia869bf28762d75bc9b00145eca1375d013bc70c9

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M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_List_Bind_Users.class.php +7 −5 Go to diff View file