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feat(svn): Do not schedule events when not needed

When there are UGROUP_MODIFY in queue for processing (for a given project) it's useless to schedule update of SVNAccessFile because a newer UGROUP_MODIFY will do that. With this change, only the "last" UGROUP_MODIFY will trigger such an update. That's helpful when someone is removed from projects with a lof of user groups, hence this will lead to only one SVNAccessFile regeneration instead of one per user group. Closes request #28892 Updating SVNAccessFile on very big projects is very time consuming Change-Id: Ie3bf4d2a2788a6e50dd437670f58e33b3df40941

Modified Files

M src/common/SVNCore/Event/UpdateProjectAccessFilesScheduler.php +10 −7 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/SVNCore/Event/UpdateProjectAccessFilesSchedulerTest.php +18 −2 Go to diff View file