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Display relative date according to user preference

Go to an artifact and look at the follow-up comments' dates. The date displayed depends on the user preference: * **absolute_first-relative_tooltip**: Absolute date (relative is in the :hover) * **relative_first-absolute_tooltip**: Relative date (absolute is in the :hover) * **absolute_first-relative_shown**: Absolute first (relative is in small on top or next when inline) * **relative_first-absolute_shown**: Relative first (absolute is in small on top or next when inline) If no pref or user is anonymous, then the current display is used: Relative date (absolute is in the :hover). **Note:** this it is not possible to define the preference through the ui yet, the reviewer must insert the preference through REST API or directly in the db (preference_name = relative_dates_display). **Note2:** tlp style has been copied as is in flaming parrot theme, so that we don't have to clutter a tlp component with flaming parrot specific class names. Part of story #14828: display dates with both absolute and relative dates Change-Id: Ice262d7587ce178da31c9ae65a360b9df243856f

Modified Files

M src/common/date/DateHelper.class.php +27 −2 Go to diff View file
M src/themes/FlamingParrot/css/utils/_typography.scss +24 −0 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/common/date/helper/DateHelperTest.php +101 −0 Go to diff View file