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fix request #30024 DynamicCredentials prevent svn caching mecanism to work

SVN auth caching mecanism relies on nginx fastcgi_cache. However this cache is not used when the upstream (SVNProjectAccessController here) set a cookie. Under regular conditions this is the case, however when dynamic credentials plugin is used, it auto start sessions as part of beforeLogin process. This set a cookie and defeat the caching mecanism. This patch walk around all PHP_Session::start() usage to prevent the start of session when the environment explicitly tells not to. Change-Id: Ic231684ecd9cafc3c1a0d3ee12ac78931eae79be

Modified Files

M plugins/dynamic_credentials/include/dynamic_credentialsPlugin.php +8 −2 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Session/SessionPopulator.php +5 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/common/include/LoaderScheduler.php +2 −10 Go to diff View file