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Table of Contents can be refreshed

If you try to open a generated document into Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer, if you attemp to refresh the TOC it should not empty the section. The issue has been introduced by 20e95e9a3dd343568ba9d9b2a9489f77d645433f where the custom style set on the artifact titles has been removed. This custom style is necessary, even if we do not do actual styling with it, because it appears to be the best way to select the titles we need in the TOC while working as expected on most of the editors. Part of story #22569: export `text` fields Change-Id: Ic4622057be0e6cb1777887e0efcb7da2568c025a

Modified Files

M plugins/document_generation/scripts/tracker-report-action/src/Exporter/DOCX/download-docx.ts +15 −2 Go to diff View file