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request #12118: Mails with only BCC are rejected

The issue can be seen when starting a new thread in the forum service or expecting a mail from the COMPUTE_MD5SUM system event. The issue has been introduced/made visible by commit a9a25adfa40b575f9e6487d603a6723ab89674bb. If everything was working as expected we should not even have to check that, Zend\Mail should handle it properly and report an issue if no To, CC or BCC header is found. Unfortunately, due to a bug [0] in the version we currently use if no To header is set Zend\Mail complains even if we have a BCC header. This contribution work around that until we are able to bump our dependencies to Zend. [0] Change-Id: I14b3f4f3d21ec89ef59a4fd127f4ab0c98ef68da

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M src/common/mail/Codendi_Mail.class.php +13 −7 Go to diff View file