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request #12963: Project PHPWiki pages might not be displayed if some metadata are missing

When the wiki_group_list table contains no information about a project, the list of pages of this wiki is not displayed. This is caused by the fact the project ID is automagically set globally by the instanciation of some wiki pages when processing the wiki_group_list table information. This contribution sets explicitely the project ID before displaying the list of the wiki pages. The wiki_group_list table is not supposed to be empty for a project but it seems it might have happened in a few projects on productions instances. Besides the display issue is not a major issue, PHPWiki fallbacks to the default information when nothing is found. Change-Id: I2962ab968e136e3ff698a50b353bd290a10e6f18

Modified Files

M src/common/wiki/lib/WikiPage.class.php +5 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/common/wiki/views/WikiServiceViews.class.php +3 −1 Go to diff View file