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Adapt packaging to build version flagged as Enterprise

It is now possible to include the ENTERPRISE_BUILD file located at the sources root. This file is used to determine if the version currently running is an Enterprise build or not. Note that if you use the tools/rpm/ script to test this, the file must be present in the "clean sources" directory that get created before the preparation/build phase. This is part of story #14112: know which Tuleap is running Change-Id: I5aff5cb7a63d1dd7c56ee77227446e36075bafc4

Modified Files

M tools/rpm/Makefile +4 −0 Go to diff View file
M tools/rpm/tuleap.rhel6.spec +8 −0 Go to diff View file
M tools/rpm/tuleap.rhel7.spec +8 −0 Go to diff View file