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Do not crash when looking at the hierarchy of a tracker with cross-project children

Instead of crashing the tracker administration interface just hide them. This is not great but it should be good enough for now. Doing more means that we need a way to distinguish trackers from another projects in this section and also that we need to take into account that a user might not be an admin of the cross-project tracker. Part of story #17882: define cross project hierarchy between Features and User Stories Change-Id: I131171f12943e3f0825a067c958aaa74dd8006f0

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Hierarchy/HierarchicalTrackerFactory.class.php +4 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Hierarchy/HierarchicalTrackerFactoryTest.php +24 −0 Go to diff View file