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request #21356: Follow up comments are submitted twice when using Chrome/Chromium [74; 78]

Reproduction steps: 1. Go to an artifact with a legacy version of Chrome between 74 and 78 2. Submit a follow up comment This is in fact a Chrome issue: This change is done as a part of the current Tuleap policy regarding old browsers support. The issue might also be present elsewhere, no pro-active verification has been done. Users/Companies should really upgrade their browsers. To test, you can get a Chromium 78 with: ``` nix-shell -p chromium -I nixpkgs= ``` Change-Id: I2960590345f0834e4326e2a88310bb88d9a67e16

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/scripts/legacy/SubmissionKeeper.js +2 −1 Go to diff View file