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Correct tracker artifact e2e tests

part of part of request #24982 clean e2e test suite It might occur that connected user has more than a dashboard tab. The test was assuming that user only have one. I didn't manage to reproduce the issue in dev mode, and I don't reproduce the issue in every full run. I'm assuming that it is due to a test who fail at first run and create a new tab in `my personnal page` Note: the line `cy.get("[data-test=add-to-my-dashboard]").first().click({ force: true });` is crappy, but we choose to do this because the other solution was to define a dynamic data-test on personal page tab name combinated to a if in tracker report view to check if user has a button or a dropdown the `.first` isn't an issue as once the report is added, user is redirected on personnal dashboard for doig assertions the `force:true` is not for best but it prevents us to have to check if we have a button or a dropdown: Change-Id: Ie22cc8b0d8a6bf33d352252243473a6f6768ef2f

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/templates/report/add-to-dashboard-dropdown.mustache +2 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/e2e/cypress/cypress/integration/tracker_artifact.spec.ts +1 −1 Go to diff View file