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request #8185: Write ldap not working with codendi auth type

- The original fix was not the correct one. Some platforms will be in 'codendi' mode whilst at the same time wanting to populate the ldap directory. Thus we need to revert it. - the orginal issue, request #8135, is still fixed with the other file change (try logging-in while in 'codendi' mode with your LDAP server down and with a 'codendi' user- it works!) - [technical explanation] needed to disable notifications from ldap_bind function should the platform be in 'codendi' authentication ; according to there is no way to pre-check the connection to the server if you are using a recent version of openLDAP and thus the notification is inevitable if the LDAP server is unreachable. - I could also add that the notification was preventing headers from being sent which prevented redirection... Change-Id: I148ff67b4124f45ec287a9e9e914229c24394012

Modified Files

M plugins/ldap/include/LDAP.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/ldap/include/ldapPlugin.class.php +7 −6 Go to diff View file