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[enalean_licensemanager] Copyright range for Enalean's files should be XXXX - Present

Expected copyright line for files edited by Enalean should looks like: `Copyright (c) Enalean, XXXX - Present. All Rights Reserved`. There are remaining files with the legacy form (`Copyright (c) Enalean, XXXX - YYYY. All Rights Reserved`) and contributors, sometimes (or most of the times in my case), forgot to update it whenever they touch a file. This generates noise in the reviewing process, so we should align every files. No functional changes expected. To update the file I used the following commands: ``` git grep -Pl 'Copyright.* Enalean.* 20\d\d\s*[-−–—]\s*\d' | xargs \ sed -rie 's/(Copyright.* Enalean.* [[:digit:]]{4})\s*[-−–—]\s*[[:digit:]]{4}/\1 - Present/' git grep -Pl 'Copyright.* Enalean.* 20\d\d\s*\.' | xargs \ sed -rie 's/(Copyright.* Enalean.* [[:digit:]]{4}\s*)\./\1 - Present./' ``` Remaining bits are detected with the following command and manually edited: ``` git grep Enalean | grep Copyright | grep -vi Present ``` Note: Unless I did something wrong in the previous command, sed is creating temporary files and do not delete them (while it should). So I must ran the following in order to remove leftovers (I could use `git clean` but I have untracked files I want to keep): ``` find . -type f -not -path '*node_modules/*' -a -not -path '*vendor/*' \ \( -name "*.tse" \ -o -name "*.jse" \ -o -name "*.cgie" \ -o -name "*.vuee" \ -o -name "*.diste" \ -o -name "*.ple" \ -o -name "*.tabe" \ -o -name "*.sqle" \ -o -name "*.pye" \ -o -name "*.ince" \ -o -name "*.phpe" \ -o -name "*.scsse" \ -o -name "*.xmle" \ -o -name "*.tple" \ -o -name "*.htmle" \ -o -name "*examplee" \ -o -name "*log_accume" \ -o -name "*.she" \ -o -name "*.mustachee" \ -o -name "*.txte" \) \ -exec rm "{}" \; ``` Part of request #19361: Copyright range for Enalean's files should be XXXX - Present Change-Id: I2d984fb4352ad645fb9da61e8ccb4ca92fe551fc

Modified Files

M include/LicenseManager/LicenseManagerComputedMetricsCollector.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/LicenseManager/PluginDescriptor.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/LicenseManager/PluginInfo.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/LicenseManager/StatusActivityEmitter.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/LicenseManager/Webhook/StatusLogger.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/LicenseManager/Webhook/UserCounterPayload.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/LicenseManager/Webhook/UserCounterWebhook.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/constants.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M include/enalean_licensemanagerPlugin.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/LicenseManager/LicenseManagerComputedMetricsCollectorTest.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/LicenseManager/StatusActivityEmitterTest.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M tests/unit/bootstrap.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file