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request #27893 Ldap: nightly syncro does not work properly

During ldap nightly syncro with ugroups, if a user have already been searched for a previous group, he will be removed from the other groups. How to test : have a ldap group with 2 users have two different groups. Bind them to the ldap group with daily synch but without preserve_members option : the two users are in both groups run tuleap daily-job ==> users in one group have disappears. During the daily synchro, the LDAP_GroupManager is the same for all groups. So, if a user have been searched for another group, he is still in the cache. We need to clear this cache after every group sycnhro. Change-Id: I30b4302e51cb9dd6676372c509757297a51d9ffa

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M plugins/ldap/include/LDAP_GroupManager.class.php +1 −0 Go to diff View file